Pranayam Makes Treatment Of Heart Attack

If you are too busy or lazy in exercising, then such women and men need to pay attention that living for six years without physical exercise during the Middle Ages can increase the risk of heart attack, according to the Our Health News. You can take Health News in Hindi from our news portal. This research has been published in the magazine 'Circular'. It has been suggested to do 150 minutes of activities with regular and moderate activities every week.
These activities include cycling or fast walking, which can reduce the risk of heart attack during the medieval period by 31 percent. The more active people are less likely to have a heart attack than those who are physically less active. But, there is very little information on the effect of changes in the exercise level over time with a heart attack.
Chidi Nadumale, assistant professor at John Hopkins, Maryland University of America, said that doing physical exercise recommended during exercise of exercise during the medieval age could reduce the risk of heart attack by 23 percent.
Yoga is the art of living in different currencies while focusing on your breaths. As a result, each yogic has a special effect on our responsive system, which also affects our heart.
Beginning with the lightest posture in the following incantations, gradually they will move forward towards the asanas, which will require more power and strength. With the last posture, the body becomes calm and elusive.
1. Tadasana 
Tadasana strengthens the heart and enhances flexibility in the body.
2. Vrikshasana 
Vrikshasana gives peace and balance to the mind. This money is beneficial for the calm mind. This makes the heart work system better.
3. OuthaHahastpadaasana
To maintain balance in this posture, more attention and strength is needed.
4. Trikonasana
It is the currency to open the heart to be standing. This exchange benefits the cardiovascular system. Deep breathing leads to chest expansion and increase in strength.
